Meet Daat Hayumu

Daat Hayumu
Daat was born on 8th Feb 1993. He is in the seventh grade class of Rhotia Primary school in Rhotia Tanzania. His father’s name is Hayumu and his mother’s name is Monika. He has 1 brother whose name is Melkiadi, and he is 23 yrs old. He has 6 sisters whose names are Martina who is 21 yrs old, Juditha who is 19 yrs old, Paskalina who is 17 yrs old, Marietha who is 13 yrs old, Mariana who is 11 yrs old, Matle who is 5 yrs old. Daat's father died in bicycle accident 1999.
The family earns their income from a farm of 3 hectacres (about 7.5 acres) where they grow maize, beans, peageon nuts sometimes wheat. He helps with farm work and other domestic jobs at home. They use crops for food and sell some to pay other expenses. His mother is not able pay for his school fees and other expenses.The crops are not enough for food so sometimes they must get help from relatives or the government.
Daat is struggling in school. His best subjects are Mathematics, English, Social studies and Science and Swahili.
For fun he likes playing football and reading, when he finishes the primary school at the end of 2008-2009, he would like to join secondary school, he would like to be a manson. He would like computer training class because he wants to learn about other people and he is interested in America and Americans. He would like to know more about America.
Daat has started computer training in Project Rhotia’s computer Lab. He now has a sponsor, Betty Li.